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Trezor Wallet Import

How to import Trezor wallet addresses into your ZenLedger account via wallet address or CSV.

Morgan avatar
Written by Morgan
Updated over 5 months ago

You can import Trezor transactions directly via the wallet addresses for each blockchain you use on Trezor or via CSV.

Import Trezor via Wallet Address:

The address you will need from Trezor to import into ZenLedger is your receive wallet address. Each different blockchain you use on Trezor (eg. ETH, LTC, XRP, etc) will have a different wallet address you will need to import into ZenLedger. See the note at the bottom of this article regarding Bitcoin wallet addresses.

If you have previously imported CSVs from Trezor, ensure that the Transaction Lock setting is set before importing the wallet address(es) to avoid duplicating transactions.

Steps to obtain your receive wallet address in Trezor Desktop:

Step 1: Click here and log into your Trezor Online Wallet.

Step 2: If you enabled multiple cryptocurrencies during the initialization procedure, they will each have an associated 'Account #1' in the My accounts menu bar.

Step 3: Click Receive then show full address to reveal your first receiving address.

Step 4: Copy the address and follow the steps in our Wallet Import Article to add it to your ZenLedger account.

Step 5: Follow the above steps for each blockchain/account you have within Trezor.

For a photo walk-through of the above instructions within Trezor, please check out their Receive Crypto in Trezor Suite support article.


  • It can be a little tricky to find the Bitcoin wallet address(es) from Trezor to import, so we recommend following the instructions in their Trezor Suite Public Key (XPUB) article. It is very common to have multiple Bitcoin addresses to import, so keep that in mind when you are collecting your Bitcoin address(es).

  • If your Trezor wallet is connected to the Exodus wallet and you have already imported the Exodus wallet into ZenLedger, then you will not need to import Trezor CSV. Importing from both sources will cause duplication.

Import Trezor Via CSV:

Note: We only recommend importing via CSV if you have previously imported Trezor transactions via CSV. Be sure to have the lock date set to your most recent imported transaction from Trezor before adding the new CSV, to avoid duplicate transactions.

Step 1: Login to your Trezor Online Wallet.

Step 2: Click on accounts, select the icon of the token you want to download a CSV file for.

Step 3: Scroll down to the transactions and on the right-hand side click on the 3 dots.

Step 4: Click on export a CSV and import the CSV file into Zenledger.

Step 5: Make sure that the filename contains coinname_1_serialnumber.csv e.g. Ethereum_1_20221229T100054.csv, Bitcoin_Cash_1_20221229T100334.csv

Step 6: You can also refer this Support Article for detailed instructions.

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