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H&R Block Upload

Learn how to get your ZenLedger Form 8949 for H&R Block and upload it.

Megan McIntire avatar
Written by Megan McIntire
Updated over 8 months ago

Step-by-Step Instructions to to download your H&R Block files from ZenLedger:

Step 1: Make sure your tax calculation is updated and that your account is in the state that you want reflected in the report you upload for tax purposes.

Step 2: Navigate to the Tax page by clicking the Tax tab at the top of your account.

Step 3: In the Tax Forms box, select View all Forms.

Step 4: From this page, you can select the green H&R Block button, and then select Download H&R Block File.

Step 5: The file will download to your computer as a TXF file and you do not need to open it at this time.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Import your file into H&R Block:

Step 1: Open your H&R Block Desktop.

Step 2: In the upper left hand corner of your account, click File and then Import Financial Information.

Step 3: The TXF file should appear in the pop-up window that comes up and you can select it, or you can Browse for it. Click Import Selected File.

Step 4: Click Import on the next screen that appears.

Step 5: Click Close on the next screen that appears. To confirm your form was entered correctly, you can click on Forms, and then select Form 8949 and the form should appear as it imported. You're all set!

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